Summit 2024, Panel 4: Elevating the Aging Discourse: The Federal Perspective

Summit 2024, Panel 4: Elevating the Aging Discourse: The Federal Perspective

Moderator: Hon. Lance Robertson, Partner, Guidehouse 


• Yen Lin, MPH, Healthy Aging Lead, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) 
• Kari Benson, MPH, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging (Administration for Community Living) 
• Atalaya Sergi, MSW, Director, AmeriCorps Seniors (AmeriCorps) 


• Demonstrate why the way we communicate about aging is essential on a federal level. 
• Discuss the vantage point of federal stakeholders and why the dialogue on aging is essential for all of us. 


In this engaging panel, the discussion centered on the critical role of federal policy in shaping the discourse on aging. Atalaya Sergi highlighted her efforts with AmeriCorps, emphasizing the engagement of individuals over 55 in community service, presenting a model where older adults actively contribute to societal well-being. She elaborated on the costs associated with service participation, the potential of grant opportunities to alleviate these costs, and the need to frame such service as beneficial to the nation. 

Kari Benson stressed the importance of collaboration among federal agency partners, particularly those who may not traditionally view their roles as contributors to the aging discourse. She shared insights into her office's efforts to develop a national plan on aging, which involves collaboration with various stakeholders and rethinking approaches through a reframing strategy. 

Yen Lin discussed the initiatives of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) in raising awareness about healthy aging across the lifespan. She mentioned the department's engagement with reframing efforts since 2020 and how lessons learned from the National Center to Reframe Aging have informed the refresh of content on 

The conversation touched upon inclusivity, with Benson mentioning her team's commitment to training and creating safe spaces for open discussions about reframing aging. Sergi raised concerns about the competition inadvertently created between older and younger generations, advocating for a shift towards intergenerational collaboration. 

Lin pointed out that the Healthy People 2030 initiative collects disaggregated data by age group, which aids in informing policymakers and engaging various collaborators and funders. The audience Q&A segment highlighted the involvement of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Social Security in reframing aging initiatives. 

The panel concluded with Sergi expressing hopes for strengthened partnerships between AmeriCorps and higher education to encourage lifelong service participation. Lin emphasized the necessity of involving multiple sectors—including law enforcement, housing, and urban planning—to maximize the impact on communities. 

Lance Roberston (Moderator)

Director, Guidehouse

Former HHS Assistant Secretary for Aging

Lance Robertson is a Partner in State Health at Guidehouse.  He joined the firm in 2021, after serving in Washington DC as the Assistant Secretary on Aging and Administrator of the HHS Administration for Community Living (ACL).  From 2007 to 2017, Lance served as the Director of Aging Services for the State of Oklahoma and oversaw the Older Americans Act programs and ran the state’s largest Medicaid waiver.  He is also a Past President of ADvancing States, the national association membership group of State Aging Directors.  Prior to state service, Lance was an administrator for twelve years at Oklahoma State University.  He has served on numerous boards and committees at the local, state and federal levels and speaks regularly at events across the country.  He is a subject matter expert on home and community-based services, social drivers of health, community-based organization network development, stakeholder engagement, public sector leadership and more.  He has a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Central Oklahoma and is an Army veteran.       

Yen Lin

Healthy Aging Lead

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, US Department of Health and Human Services

Yen Lin leads Healthy Aging for the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the US Department of Health and Human Services. She has led a series of national Symposia and action planning workshops to strengthen collaboration among public health and aging and adult services leaders to support the health and well-being of older adults. She leads strategic data visualization for the Healthy People 2030 initiative and advises several federal Healthy People workgroups, including Older Adults and Dementias Including Alzheimer’s. She represents ODPHP on interagency workgroups focused on health equity and environmental justice. She holds a Master of Public Health from Case Western Reserve University.

Kari Benson

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging

U.S. Administration for Community Living

Kari Benson is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging at the U.S. Administration for Community Living. In this role, Kari leads the Administration on Aging in advocating on behalf of older Americans. She guides and promotes the development of home and community-based services policy designed to afford older people and their caregivers the ability to age with dignity and independence and to have a broad array of options available for an enhanced quality of life. This includes the promotion and implementation of evidence-based prevention interventions proven effective in avoiding or delaying the onset of chronic disease and illness.

Atalaya Sergi


AmeriCorps Seniors

Atalaya Sergi leads AmeriCorps Seniors, the federal grant-making office focused on engaging people aged 55+ in national service and volunteerism. She has spent her career as a leader in national service, community engagement, and education, working in the public and nonprofit sectors. Atalaya launched her former organization’s only AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent program and co-founded Los Angeles Generation to Generation, to engage older persons in supporting young children. At AmeriCorps Seniors she has led the development of new funding opportunities to support pandemic recovery, partnerships with Tribal nations, and workforce development - a service to work opportunity for older persons.

Trish D'Antonio

Vice President, Policy and Professional Affairs The Gerontological Society of America

Executive Director, The National Center to Reframe Aging

Patricia M. D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP is the Vice President of Policy and Professional Affairs for The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and a board-certified geriatric pharmacist. Trish directs GSA’s policy initiatives and is responsible for developing relationships with organizations in the aging arena. Trish represents GSA on several policy coalitions and serves as co-chair for the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition, president of the board of the Protecting Access to Pain Relief and Chair of the Friends of NIA.  Additionally, she serves as the Executive Director for the National Center to Reframe Aging, the central hub to advance the long-term social change endeavor designed to improve the public’s understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people contribute to our society. Before joining GSA, Trish served as Executive Director for the District of Columbia Board of Pharmacy and Program Manager for the Pharmaceutical Control Division, where she was responsible for the regulatory and policy development for the practice of pharmacy and served as liaison to the FDA, DEA, and other federal, state, and city organizations that promote safe handling of medications.  She received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from Duquesne University and her Master of Science in Health Finance and Master in Business Administration with a concentration in health care from Temple University. She completed a residency in administration and finance at The Philadelphia Geriatric Center.


Summit 2024, Panel 4: Introductory Remarks
Open to view video.  |   Closed captions available  |  5 minutes
Open to view video.  |   Closed captions available  |  5 minutes Trish D’Antonio, Vice President of Policy and Professional Affairs at the Gerontological Society of America and Executive Director of the National Center to Reframe Aging provides a few introductory remarks.
Summit 2024, Panel 4: Elevating the Aging Discourse: The Federal Perspective
Recorded 04/28/2024  |  60 minutes  |   Closed captions available
Recorded 04/28/2024  |  60 minutes  |   Closed captions available Watch the archive of this panel discussion, "Elevating the Aging Discourse," moderated Hon. Lance Robertson, and featuring panelists, Yen Lin, Kari Benson, and Atalaya Sergi.